
Tioga Opportunities, Inc.

9 Sheldon Guile Blvd.
Owego, NY 13827

Strategic Plan 2024--Customer & Community Survey

Needs in the community are constantly changing. In order to ensure that TOI is providing services and initiatives that truly respond to the needs of local residents, a short survey was developed. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey below. Your input and feedback are crucial to TOI’s continued growth and development. Your responses will be used to guide the organization in developing its next three-year Strategic Plan, aimed at responding to emerging or unmet needs in the community. Thank you in advance for your time and opinions.

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Q1 Please identify the top 5 needs that you, your neighbors, or family members are currently experiencing in Tioga County.
Rental assistance
Meeting basic household needs
Access to health care
Job training/opportunities
Affordable housing options
Food insecurities
Transportation options
Internet connectivity/accessibility
Social isolation
Social/recreational activities
Home safety
Lack of living wages
High energy costs
Mental health
Youth activities/support
Health care costs
In-home care
Substance misuse
Q2 What NEW program or service should TOI consider adding to address emerging or unmet needs in the community?
Q3 Please rank each of the following attributes of Tioga Opportunities, Inc. on a scale of 1 – 5, with 1 indicating that it is a weak attribute and 5 indicating that is a strong attribute. Please provide a score for each attribute.
1 2 3 4 5 Unsure
      Accessible locations
      Safe, welcome spaces
      Focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
      Friendly, knowledgeable staff
      Responds to emerging needs
      Provides services county-wide
      Effective services
      Presence in community
      Advocates for the needs of vulnerable populations
      Provides education and resources
      Creates avenues for financial stability
      Health and wellness focus
      Leads community initiatives
Q4 Please add any comments that you feel would be helpful regarding the question above:
Q5 What could TOI offer to make services more accessible to community members?
More virtual services (i.e., presentations, activities)
Flexible hours to meet customer needs
Offices/services located throughout the county
Additional social media channels (i.e., TikTok, Snapchat)
Expanded hours (evenings and weekends)
Additional transportation options
Co-locate with other providers
Q6 If you have used or are a recipient of a service(s) of TOI, in general, how satisfied are you with the services you received?
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
I haven't used TOI services
Q7 If Tioga Opportunities, Inc. could change or add one thing regarding its services, what would it be?
Q8 Please indicate the top three words or phrases that come to mind when you think of TOI.
Q9 When you think of a successful, thriving, healthy community, what are the major qualities or characteristics that it has?
Q10 What is your total household income, including all members?
Q11 What is your total household size?
Q12 Please indicate which zip code you currently reside in.